Monday, March 2, 2009

Definition(s) of the Week

Okay, this is the first post of this nature, so I've got some 'splaining to do. Luna and I are oddballs. As such, we sometimes speak in a language unfamiliar to most. It amuses us and confuses others. Actually, sometimes it confuses us too.

That said, I present to you the format of our new dictionary.

  1. a word uttered during conversations with the intent of throwing the other speaker's train of thought way off course.
Craig: Uh-huh.
Luna: Not-uh.
Craig: Uh-huh.
Luna: Not-uh.
Craig: Uh-huh.
Luna: Penguin.
Craig: What?
Luna: Not-uh times infinity, no passage! I WIN!
Craig: CRAP!
times infinity, no passage
perpetual argument-ending clause
  1. a statement that ends any argument in the speaker's favor, no matter what. Speaker then has the opportunity to officially decide the outcome of the argument. NOTE: Other clauses that might alter the validity of times infinity, no passage might exist, but have yet to be determined.
Luna: I'm definitely more cool.
Craig: No, I'm way cooler than you are.
Luna: I'm more cool times infinity, no passage.
Craig: CRAP!

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